Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Top 10 concepts which you need to know before hiring a Software Developer

These days it is difficult to find a consultant who can seamlessly help you out with the technology terms. We know it is not always easy to converse with software development companies, to help you out we have here gathered the top 10 concepts which you need to know before talking to any software developers.

Consider it as a basic guide, here is the list

A user interface is the set of dials, knobs, OS commands, graphical display formats, and other option over the screen offered by a computer or a program which allows the user to communicate with the software and use the program. The graphical user interface (GUI) offers a picture oriented way to interact with the technology. So, a correct and simple GUI is crucial to make the software user-friendly.

Security is a broad topic. However while discussing with your developer talk about authorization, authentication and information transmission.

Convention over configuration:
According to Wikipedia, “Convention over configuration (also known as coding by convention) is a software design paradigm used by software frameworks that attempt to decrease the number of decisions that a developer using the framework is required to make without necessarily losing flexibility. The concept was introduced by David Heinemeier Hansson to describe the philosophy of the Ruby on Rails web framework…”

Layered Architecture is the most common architecture pattern which is also known as then-tier architecture pattern.

Algorithmic Complexity:
It is the basic and important concept for all developers and programmers. Algorithmic complexity is the theoretical metric that is used to algorithms to measure them.

It is the transformation of a string of characters into a shorter fined length value or key which replicate the original string.

It is the in-memory store which holds a subset of information that is typically stored in the database.

Cloud Computing:
It is a method for delivering IT services in which resources are gained from the Internet through web-based tools and the applications. The information being accessed is found in “the cloud” and not in the hard drive or local storage device.

Relational Database:
It is a set of tables from which data can be accessed or reassembled in different ways. The database offers a way to search records using query language like SQL (Structured Query Language).

An experienced developer and team know every little aspect of these concepts. These are broad areas and multiple things come under software development.

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