Tuesday 30 October 2018

Things you need to do while looking for a web designer

Web designing is an important task as web designers bring the real beauty of a website to life. They are also responsible for making a website easily navigable and fun to use. If you are planning to build a new website or revamp your existing one, you need to hire a UI and UX designer who can help you with this.

How do you get the right web designer for your needs? In this blog, we will talk about things which you need to do to get the right web designer.

Defining a project scope

Writing and setting a project scope is an important step to get a right designer and developer. Whether you are revamping your existing website or wants to develop a project from scratch, the answer will help you list your requirement and make a timeline for your project.

A web designer can help you with select appropriate colors, graphics, and fonts that seamlessly reflect your brand. They can also create the wireframes and mockups that a front-end developer will change into functioning web pages.

Customize the job description

With the idea in your mind and the project scope, you need to note the persona of the web designer you will require to complete the job. What specific skills, level of expertise will come under this section. Although nowadays web designers are expected to have HTML, CSS, and JavaScript proficiency, also they need to be artistic and efficient in making images, logos and graphics.

Evaluate a budget of hiring the web designer and development team

Many web designer and development team charges hourly. However, it all depends on the complexity of the project, desired skills and experience and location.

Post your requirement on any Freelancing platform

The freelancing platform helps a lot in finding a good team. Both for mobile app development and website, you can post your demand with the project scope, job description, and an estimated budget, for getting a good response.

Shortlist and take interviews

It is your idea and money, so you have all right to talk thoroughly with the shortlisted person or team (we always recommend to go for companies for better and timely service). After you have posted your requirements over the platform, you will see a dozen responses. The freelancing platforms usually come with a detail of the company you have shortlisted like founded on, location and portfolio link. You can ask some skill specific question to the web designer for better evaluating.
Consider this blog as a basic guide. Do you need any technical assistance? 

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